Personal and Family Home Worship

Worship ideas and examples

Home Worship Ideas for You

Read & Meditate on Scripture

It should be a given, that the first and most important form of worship, is simply to read scripture, and focus on the truths it gives us. To simply site and ponder God’s Word should be a daily part of our lives. However, there are numerous ways we can do that.

Search Scripture

Perhaps we have a topic in our mind that we would like to know about scripture. We can use bible search engines to look up a word, and sometimes a topic.  Note: We must be careful, because there are a lot of deceiving writers online. There are some websites that have a good theological commentaries. However, generally our focus should be on scripture itself, such as using   

Memorize Scripture

Write a verse over and over, until you have memorized it.

Or Write the verse in an artistic way, that helps you memorize it.  

Read a Creed

Alone, or with your family, read, then talk about one of the Creeds of the Christian faith. Perhaps print it out, and use highlighting, underlining, etc, to diagram the creed.

Send Scripture to Someone

Through, email, text, posting, etc., scripture can be used to encourage people, especially fellow believers.

Rewrite a Scripture Prayer

You can just rewrite it in your own words, or write it to specifically apply to your situation. 

Do it in a prayerful attitude to the Lord. Click below to see a list of scriptural prayers.

Rewrite a Psalm of Praise

David write the Psalms, as his personal form of praise. And though his psalms were divinely inspired to be in scripture, we can do the same in our personal praise.  Take a psalm, or other scripture, and rewrite the praise in your own words.

Write Your Own Song of Praise

A praise song you hear on the radio, is just someone’s own writing words in praise to God.

Write a Psalm / Poem of praise yourself, pertaining to the things you personally have seen God do in your life.

Write a Psalm perhaps simply emphasizing a particular attribute of God.  

Right a Prayer Note for Someone

Most people are encouraged when they hear someone is praying for them. Most people are encouraged when they get a note.

Write and send a prayer note to someone, on paper, email, or as a social media message.  

Start and Keep a Family Prayer Journal

Daily write prayers, and leave space below, to write later, when God had answered your prayers.

Art of Worship

Make a piece of artwork with a biblical theme, and done with a heart of worship to Him.  

Serving Others

If done in the correct attitude, serving others is a form of worship. Make someone some brownies, whom you know could use an encouraging contact from you, or whom you would like to get to know, in order to share Christ with them one day. Have your family offer to clean their yard, wash windows, etc.  

Silence and Solitude

Sitting before the Lord. Focus on Him, and only His truth for 15 minutes or more. Write down your thoughts in reflection, after this time.  

A Picture of Forgiveness of Sins

Write your sins in general terms on pieces of paper. Take time to pray and confess them each to the Lord, asking for, and accepting his forgiveness. Then put them all in a bowl, and pour grape juice over them, remembering that Jesus’ blood covers those sins. End in praising God with joyful thankfulness. 

Talking About Jesus

Sharing your faith with others, is a distinct form of worship in scripture. Thus if there are times and ways you can tell someone about Jesus, than we can see it as a form of worship.

Design Your Own Worship Service or Small Group

Designing a worship service itself (whether for a big group, or a small group), is an expression of worship, due the amount of focus it takes. Pick a theme. Pick songs to go with the theme. Pick a scripture passage, or several, that fit with the themes. Decide on how the room would be arranged. Will someone read scripture out loud?  What form of prayer will be included?  How can you encourage involvement in your group? Will you have discussion questions?